Our hotline is open from Monday to Friday. Call us on 0033 1 69 53 46 70
Nos produits
Equipement intérieur
- Ralentisseurs
- Bordures et séparateurs
- Plots et réflecteurs
- Potelets, étriers , barrières et arceaux
- Memory foam posts
- Arceaux de parking
- Butées de parking
- Racks à vélos et rampes
- Mirroirs
- Podotactiles, rampes d'accès, nez de marches et pieds de marches
- Accesoires vehicules, calle roues et sabots
- Balisage et signalisation
Chests and cases
Choose our aluminum and PVC-made bins and trunks with an aluminum structure to organize and transport your goods and delicate items. You will also find our polypropylene chests, ideal for handling and transporting food and pharmaceutical products due to their resistance to extreme temperatures and external impacts. We offer multiple sizes of chests and trunks to ensure smooth storage and transportation in your spaces.
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