Our hotline is open from Monday to Friday. Call us on 0033 1 69 53 46 70
Nos produits
Equipement intérieur
- Ralentisseurs
- Bordures et séparateurs
- Plots et réflecteurs
- Potelets, étriers , barrières et arceaux
- Memory foam posts
- Arceaux de parking
- Butées de parking
- Racks à vélos et rampes
- Mirroirs
- Podotactiles, rampes d'accès, nez de marches et pieds de marches
- Accesoires vehicules, calle roues et sabots
- Balisage et signalisation
Discover our selection of bin models designed to facilitate the storage and transportation of your merchandise. We offer a wide range to professionals in the hospitality and large-scale distribution, including stacking bins and collapsible bins suitable for food contact, as well as shuttle bins designed with a lid to secure the storage and transportation of your merchandise. Additionally, we provide polypropylene bins suitable for both domestic and industrial use.